Australian Immigration Fuels Strong Economic Growth

The Center for Economics and Business Research is predicting Australia will rise on the world economic table by 2026 from its current place of thirteenth.
Australian Citizenship Provides Extra Benefits

Becoming a permanent resident of Australia has benefits: Being part of a democratic society, enjoying great lifestyle and living in a clean environment.
Online Advertisements for Jobs in Australia Skyrocket

Last November was the 13th consecutive month of an increase in Australian online job vacancies. This was the longest stretch of continuous gains since 2011.
Foreign Pilots Needed for Jobs in Australia

Australia is experiencing a shortage of pilots, which is threatening to ground planes and cancel flights unless something changes.
Economy Creates 61,600 New Jobs in Australia

The Australian economy is seeing a boost in job growth, and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is taking credit through his government policies.
Australia – Land of Fascinating Wonders!

It is amazing how we can live in a place and not realize the wonders around us. The natural attractions sprinkled across Australia are fascinating. When viewing some of them, you will feel as if you are on another planet. Enjoy Mother Nature’s amazing brilliance by visiting these mind-blowing natural attractions. Australia Immigration Professionals will […]
Australian Jobs with the Highest Salaries

SEEK, a popular online job search site based in Australia, has job listings that are offering higher wages in every territory and state over last year. The 2017 financial year national average advertised wage across all regions and industries was $81,747 per year, an increase of 1.8 percent.
Creative Digital Jobs in Australia Grow Rapidly

According to research and data from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia’s creative industry is growing rapidly. It appears to be growing at a rate faster than the economy as a whole. Professor Stuart Cunningham reported the research encompassed strict guidelines for the definition of creative occupations. These included media, arts industries, architecture, and design. […]
Australia – One of the World’s Most Multicultural Countries!

Going to the Land Down Under, one would expect to find the majority of people to be long-time Australians whose ancestors have been around for centuries. Surprisingly, only half of the population can be described as such. The other half (49%) is a combination of people who moved there after World War 2, as well […]
Economy Created 42,200 Jobs in Australia in May 2017

The unemployment rate in Australia has fallen to 5.5% and over 42,000 jobs were created in Australia in May 2017. The estimated amount expected was 10,000 jobs, so these figures easily surpassed that forecast. The number of full-time jobs rose by 52,000, and part-time jobs dropped by 10,000. Australia Immigration Professionals is a private immigration […]