According to research and data from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia’s creative industry is growing rapidly. It appears to be growing at a rate faster than the economy as a whole. Professor Stuart Cunningham reported the research encompassed strict guidelines for the definition of creative occupations. These included media, arts industries, architecture, and design.
“If you put them all together, you have an economic size that is far greater than people think of when they think of creatives,” Cunningham said. “Our data talks about growth rates, and in the digital creative industries…the growth rate between 2006-2011 was 4.8% which was more than twice the economy as a whole.” Australia Immigration Professionals wants to work with you to help with your Australian application process.
The Australian Research Council and five mainland state cultural agencies are offering a $480,000 grant. This will help researchers certify their findings and discover why certain areas have become cultural hubs. These agencies are interested in the data so they are aware of the impact on their own states.
This research is very important to show the advantages to the Australian economy. Professor Cunningham says it has three main benefits. The first two benefits are high growth and labor intensity. The creative economy also has a benefit of people finding the work meaningful. Cunningham mentioned, “We know people are happy to work in these industries for money they could get elsewhere. It is food for the soul as well as food for the table.” If you contact Australia Immigration Professionals, you will find information about your application process to get moved to Australia to begin a new life.
The research hopes to help decision makers and economic planners take the creative digital industry more seriously. The high growth, labour intensity, and social level of meaningfulness will make a big impact in Australia. Contact Australia Immigration Professionals today for more information on how to get moved to Australia.

Australia Has Some of the World’s Best Cities for Students
Some Australian cities are among the best cities for students in the world. Australia Immigration Professionals could confirm that Melbourne has been